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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Early childhood and Fulfillment Optimum Nutrition Body For Children

Julia Child - The French ChefEarly childhood and Fulfillment Optimum Nutrition Body For Children
By Arda Dinata

Early Childhood Education (early childhood) is a construction effort that is intended for children aged 0-6 years in aspects of education, health and nutrition improvement.

Improving the quality of human resources (HR) needs to be done since the time of conception / in the womb until the age of pre-school children. Thus, growth will be achieved in an optimal toddlers. So that will have an impact on the problem terhindarnya / nutritional disorders later in adulthood. This paper tried to describe how the fulfillment of the optimum nutrition for the body of a child at an early age.

Children, in accordance with Law No. 4 In 1979, the Child Welfare, stated that the child was aged 0-21 years old and not married. In a broader sense, children are human beings who are still experiencing growth, both physical and mental. Children, defined as people who still have to develop all the potential cognitive, affective and psycho-motor skills.

More than that, the child is a human who has not reached the level of maturity. Still in development stages. In the context of this paper, we as parents need to guide and make the child accustomed to consider the nutritional value of food consumed to be from an early age.

Fulfill the nutritional needs of a child, none other than the fulfillment of the optimum nutrition for the body that recommended and based on the phases of age, gender, and health status.

To get healthy and nutritional levels are in good health for each family member (child), should we need to know in advance the principles of nutrition settings for the whole family.

The basic principles of child nutrition settings, can we regrouped into two. Namely the basic principles of food pre-school age (1-6 years of age) and the basic principles of school-age child's diet (age 7-21 years).

Pre-School Age

Pre-school age are able to distinguish the two groups, namely: (1) Food young children (ages 1-3 years). Type A favorite food of children under five, are usually the foods that are sweet, like chocolate, candy, ice cream, and sweets.

Should, at the age of these infants, foods containing too much sugar is limited, and / or not provided, so that the milk teeth are not damaged or perforated (caries). We know, in general, children's milk teeth will be complete at the age of 2 years. But not strong enough to bite and chew food.

In this period, the child is as passive consumers. In another sense, the kind of food is highly dependent on the given by the mother. In this case, there is one thing to be known by every mother. That is when the child at some time refused to take the food we provide, then do not be forced to eat.

This can cause children to be hostile and probably would reject it for good food. At this age, we should be trying to train, seeking and directing the child to follow the diet of adults.

Age 1-3 years, typically, children are highly vulnerable to nutritional disorders, such as vitamin A deficiency, iron (anemia), calories and protein. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to malfunctioning of the eye, while the lack of calories and protein can lead to impaired growth and intelligence of children.

(2) Food children aged 4-6 years. At this age, children are still vulnerable to nutritional disorders and infectious diseases. Thus, the provision of nutritious foods remain the concern of parents, counselors, and educators in schools.

The ability to digest food, at this stage was seen approaching an adult, so it was time for the children invited to enjoy dinner with other family members (father, mother, and brother), and was told to study sought to feed themselves. Such a situation would be very helpful in educating children. Because of this there are 101 kinds of symbols for the child's educational value has been covered, such as companionship, good manners, respect for others, and others.

Education about the nutritional value of food, there is no harm in starting taught to them. And is a good time to encourage the good in children. Because, in this period, the child was able to recall something seen and heard from their parents and the surrounding environment. So that eventually, the child can choose and enjoy nutritious foods. Children this age have become active consumers of food. However, feeding a sweet tooth still needs to be limited, so do not fast teeth caries.

School Age Child

This school-age children, as well as pre-school age, can we distinguish into three groups. (1) Food pre-adolescent children (age 7-12 years). Group pre-adolescent children, usually have a lot of attention and activities outside the home. So often forget to eat.

Breakfast or breakfast, need to be considered by the parents unrtuk prevent hypoglycemia (drop in blood sugar values), and so easy to catch the child in school. Also, notice that the food menu will be consumed children, in order to really consider the nutritional value of four of five perfectly healthy.

At this age, date of milk teeth are gradually berangur, and replaced by permanent teeth. Children in this group, was more active choosing favorite foods. Greater energy needs, consistent with increased physical activity, such as sports, play, and help their parents. Nutritional needs of boys, will be different with girls. Boys are more physical activity, so the greater nutritional needs.

(2) Food adolescents (aged 13-18 years). At this age, children begin to enter adolescence. Here the physical growth has happened very quickly. So that the nutritional needs for growth and greatly increased its activity.

At this time, generally, the child has a good appetite, so that should be noted that the diet will be consumed by the child's parents, counselors, special counseling, and educators at the school.

This extra need more attention, because at this age they are often looking for additional food or snacks outside mealtimes. Seeing this phenomenon, at least we need to manage and coordinate the handling and feeding that leads to prevention of nutrient consumed by children.

(3) foods kids young adults group (aged 19-21 years). In the 19-21 years of age, children begin to enter a period to young adulthood. Here the physical development has occurred, and stand out features of the differences between men with women.

Physical changes at this age, requires the availability of adequate nutrition for the child to support the process of growth and the increased activity varied.

The habit of eating meals outside on the young adult group, still remain to be done, and even more often. This is because the child has a good appetite, so that should be directed to the fulfillment of a balanced nutrition and food intake can positively affect their physical development.

In order for the food consumed a positive impact on children, especially in supporting the development of early childhood education to the next level, it is recommended to serve and provide a balanced diet, which consists of: (a) a source of carbohydrate (staple food), (b) source protein (side dishes), and (c) a source of vitamins and minerals (vegetables and fruits ).***

Author, is an educator and blogger in the Qur'an and Inspiration Assembly Reality Nature / MIQRA Indonesia,

This article was included in early childhood Journalism Competition National Level 2007, organized by the Directorate of early childhood - the Directorate General of Special Education Department School of Education.

The quality of early childhood services Urgenitas Towards Compulsory Basic 9 Years

Childhood 4 volume setThe quality of early childhood services Urgenitas Towards Compulsory Basic 9 Years
By Arda Dinata

Early Childhood Education (early childhood) is a construction effort that is intended for children aged 0-6 years in aspects of education, health and nutrition improvement. These efforts by the institutions / environment consisting of family, school, care institutions, religious and parenting and peer influence on growth of children.

The developmental psychologists suggests that development of the child is determined by the interaction between heredity and environmental factors. The recognition of parents, education, and other macro environment including government policies (decisions) about efforts to improve the quality of children, environmental factors have a direct effect or indirectly on child development, but development is still influenced also by nature children have.

Growth conditions are good kids will have an impact on the quality of human (child) in the future. Although the concept of quality of man himself is still abstract, but according to Juwono Sudarsono (1998), former minister of education and culture, revealed that the human quality, marked by the characteristics: First, intelligent, creative, skilled, educated and pious to God Yang Maha Esa. Second, healthy and live longer. Third, independent and have access to a decent life.

In this case, which determines the quality of these men is the development of early age related health problems, nutrition, and intellectual stimulus. That is, we can not put only one dimension only. But, the handling of these three dimensions (health, nutrition and intellectual) is to begin in the womb (prenatal).

Therefore, efforts to child development through early childhood programs, especially the children in the area, minus the critical and must be a priority early childhood programs. The problem now is how to have this early childhood program really supports the Compulsory Basic Education (compulsory education) 9 years old? Then, strategies and increasing access to quality early childhood services such as what needs to be done to the realization of a healthy child, bright, cheerful and noble, and has a readiness to enter further education?

Early childhood services

Currently, the quality of learning and efficiency of the implementation of national education is still not satisfactory as expected. For example, low quality of learning outcomes and the persistence of students who drop out (DO), both at primary and junior secondary school. This condition seems to still require effort to improve the quality and efesiensinya.

Moreover, based on a series of studies over 30 years, especially in the United States, has shown that programs of early childhood development can improve school performance, both in elementary, junior; can increase productivity and earnings in the future; and reduce dependence on health services and social (Soedijarto; 1998).

On that basis, it is reasonable to implement 9-year basic education, and efforts to improve the quality of the relevance and efficiency of national education, the existence of early childhood programs into a strategic thing and important in the development of children's education.

However, the current constraints are still felt from early childhood programs is the limited access and not maximum quality early childhood services in the community. For example, from 4.5 million children aged 0-6 years in the new West Java as much as 14.28 percent of the underserved early childhood education (early childhood), both formal and nonformal. Therefore, early childhood targets to a million children in West Java, or 36.21 percent felt very heavy, if without the participation of all levels of society (People's Thoughts, 26/6/07).

While the condition of early childhood services themselves, in West Java based on district / city in 2005 showed 370,565 children coverage (8.13 percent) for early childhood early childhood non-formal and 370,565 children (8.13 percent). In fact, according to Chief Executive and the Race Playing in Mapolda Jabar, Novillya Virginia, said the number of them in West Java, 4.5 million children (PR, 26/6/07). These conditions, the authors believe, is not much different from the situation in other provinces.

Meanwhile, for the implementation of early childhood activities in the community itself is carried out through two approaches. First, a formal early childhood in the form of TK / RA. Second, non-formal early childhood among a Play Group (KB), a Child Care (TPA), integrated health, early childhood and other similar units.

Early childhood development

A program is good, if the activity was noticed local conditions and involved (read: use) the existing potential in society optimally. Likewise with early childhood programs must consider both aspects. In other words, early childhood programs should be integral with similar programs that have the same goal. If it is not done in a mature, so instead of support and sympathy from others who come by, but even antipathy from other community groups.

It can describe the factual circumstances that is what is happening in the Regency area. Garut, West Java. As reported Newspapers Priangan (19-20 June 2007 edition), the presence of early childhood programs in the villages Kab. Garut, complained of by a number of management education kindergarten (TK). With the rise of the program fear it would threaten the existence of kindergarten schools that have long stood.

In addition, the rise of early childhood programs, also creates jealousy. The reason, early childhood education received help from the government, while the kindergarten education is not.

Addressing the last thing, opinion of the writer, it appears due to surface was the lack of socialization and communication of the existence of early childhood programs are integral with similar programs in the area (read: public), such as TK, RA, TPA, and others.

That is, if early childhood socialization program is done well and correctly, then the manager kind of kindergarten education and the like do not need to worry and feel threatened. Because his own early childhood programs designed for children aged 2-4 years, while kindergartens for children 4-6 years old. Even though in reality, the writer saw in the field division is sometimes not completely obeyed and no significant perbeadaan.

In the meantime, if viewed from the goal, the program aims to introduce early childhood education from an early age and is particularly intended to accommodate the children from poor families. While education in kindergarten average families can afford. And certainly early childhood students were restricted only 30 children, while TK is generally not restricted.

Therefore, the development of this early childhood programs in the future, should definitely work together with similar institutions, whether formal or informal. The reason such education in kindergartens and early childhood programs are actually the same to manage the golden age of the child to prepare to enter further education (read: to support basic education compulsory 9 years). It was here, seems to be prepared the right strategy from the early childhood programs in the community.

Access Improvement Strategy

Implementation of early childhood development in Indonesia, actually has been done through various efforts. Both efforts directly (such as Child Care, Group Play, and Taman Kanak Kanak), or indirectly (Posyandu, Toddlers Family Center, and the various activities carried out by the PKK, KOWANI). However, unfortunately, these services are still fragmented, and synergic tersikronisasi not well, and the number is still very limited in reach.

On the basis of the facts so far and targets associated with early childhood programs, then it would be nice if the strategy taken in the implementation of early childhood programs are more focused on the empowerment of early childhood education through non-formal approaches, and of course still have to work together and coordinate with institutions institutions of early childhood education which is formal.

For that, the non-formal approach, uniting step integrated health and Toddlers in the Family Center realization of early childhood programs is something that is realistic and will further improve the achievement rates of early childhood programs. In this case, there are at least three strategies that can be associated with efforts to increase access to quality early childhood services in support of non-formal basic education compulsory 9 years.

First, union activities and BKB Posyandu should have implications in the form of a counseling service that provides nutrition and health problems are inadequate for the mother and child (read the article: early childhood and the fulfillment of the optimum nutrition for the body of a child), providing information about ways to educate and empower early childhood correctly.

Second, must be supported by integration at the community level. That form of public facilities, cadres, and training curricula that are well integrated. In another sense, integrated health and BKB should disinergiskan with all the programs that have a purpose on the needs of children aged 0-4 years and / or with TK. So the transition from home to early childhood services prior to entering elementary school can run smoothly.

Here, education is needed for early childhood as a basis for further education, among others: education & kinesthetic gestures; education to develop verbal / linguistic; and education to develop social emotional skills.

Third, the existence of an integral program in the bureaucracy relationship undertaken by various sectors and departments related to the field of empowerment of early childhood education and family welfare. Another meaning, is the need for a comprehensive movement to develop early childhood programs through IEC.

Meanwhile, Prof.. Dr. Soedijarto (1998), in his paper titled: Guidance From Early Child Development Investing For The Future, says there are 7 approaches and alternative services that can be done to increase access (coverage) and quality of service coaching program early childhood education is.

First, pealayanan directly to children through child care programs, play groups, and various forms of institutions that serve children directly and institutionalized.

Second, education "caregives" both parents (mother), or voluntary agencies through programs of visits from house to house, family education, integrated health, or family Toddler Center.

Third, increased community participation through correctional programs to train cadres and leaders as it did in Malaysia and Thailand.

Fourth, the development of skills and semi-skilled experts to provide coaching models that can attract attention and possible motivation of the community to follow the model developed by the experts.

Fifth, increasing public awareness and increasing public demands the need for the program.

Sixth, develop a network of communities that could support the implementation of a program, such as the establishment of regulations that indirectly encourage or strengthen the whole community will implement programs for early childhood development.

Seventh, develop national kebijakasanaan that underlie the program implementation is consistent and continuous.

Finally, through the strategies and efforts to increase access to quality early childhood services as above, it is expected that the existence of these early childhood programs can produce a healthy child, bright, cheerful and noble, and has a readiness to enter further education. Rather, supports programs compulsory 9-year basic education .***

Author, is an educator and blogger in the Qur'an and Inspiration Assembly Reality Nature / MIQRA Indonesia,

This article was included in early childhood Journalism Competition National Level 2007, organized by the Directorate of early childhood - the Directorate General of Special Education Department School of Education.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Managing Containers Golden Age Children

Golden ChildManaging Containers Golden Age Children
By Arda Dinata

Early Childhood Education (early childhood) is a construction effort that is intended for children aged 0-6 years in aspects of education, health and nutrition improvement. These efforts by the institutions / environment consisting of family, school, care institutions, religious and parenting and peer influence on growth of children.

The developmental psychologists suggests that development of the child is determined by the interaction between heredity and environmental factors. The recognition of parents, education, and other macro environment including government policies (decisions) about efforts to improve the quality of children, environmental factors have a direct effect or indirectly on child development, but development is still influenced also by nature children have.

Growth conditions are good kids will have an impact on the quality of human (child) in the future. Although the concept of quality of man himself is still abstract, but according to Juwono Sudarsono (1998), former minister of education and culture, revealed that the human quality, marked by the characteristics: First, intelligent, creative, skilled, educated and pious to God Yang Maha Esa. Second, healthy and live longer. Third, independent and have access to a decent life.

In this case, which determines the quality of these men is the development of early age related health problems, nutrition, and intellectual stimulus. That is, we can not put only one dimension only. But, the handling of these three dimensions (health, nutrition and intellectual) is to begin in the womb (prenatal).

Therefore, efforts to child development through early childhood programs, especially the children in the area, minus the critical and must be a priority early childhood programs. The problem now is how to have this early childhood program really supports the Compulsory Basic Education (compulsory education) 9 years old? Then, strategies and increasing access to quality early childhood services such as what needs to be done to the realization of a healthy child, bright, cheerful and noble, and has a readiness to enter further education?

Early childhood services

Currently, the quality of learning and efficiency of the implementation of national education is still not satisfactory as expected. For example, low quality of learning outcomes and the persistence of students who drop out (DO), both at primary and junior secondary school. This condition seems to still require effort to improve the quality and efesiensinya.

Moreover, based on a series of studies over 30 years, especially in the United States, has shown that programs of early childhood development can improve school performance, both in elementary, junior; can increase productivity and earnings in the future; and reduce dependence on health services and social (Soedijarto; 1998).

On that basis, it is reasonable to implement 9-year basic education, and efforts to improve the quality of the relevance and efficiency of national education, the existence of early childhood programs into a strategic thing and important in the development of children's education.

However, the current constraints are still felt from early childhood programs is the limited access and not maximum quality early childhood services in the community. For example, from 4.5 million children aged 0-6 years in the new West Java as much as 14.28 percent of the underserved early childhood education (early childhood), both formal and nonformal. Therefore, early childhood targets to a million children in West Java, or 36.21 percent felt very heavy, if without the participation of all levels of society (People's Thoughts, 26/6/07).

While the condition of his own early childhood services, in West Java based on district / city in 2005 showed 370,565 children coverage (8.13 percent) for early childhood early childhood non-formal and 370,565 children (8.13 percent). In fact, according to Chief Executive and the Race Playing in Mapolda Jabar, Novillya Virginia, said the number of them in West Java, 4.5 million children (PR, 26/6/07). These conditions, the authors believe, is not much different from the situation in other provinces.

Meanwhile, for the implementation of early childhood activities in the community itself is carried out through two approaches. First, a formal early childhood in the form of TK / RA. Second, non-formal early childhood among a Play Group (KB), a Child Care (TPA), integrated health, early childhood and other similar units.

Early childhood development

A program is good, if the activity was noticed local conditions and involved (read: use) the existing potential in society optimally. Likewise with early childhood programs must consider both aspects. In other words, early childhood programs should be integral with similar programs that have the same goal. If it is not done in a mature, so instead of support and sympathy from others who come by, but even antipathy from other community groups.

It can describe the factual circumstances that is what is happening in the Regency area. Garut, West Java. As reported Newspapers Priangan (19-20 June 2007 edition), the presence of early childhood programs in the villages Kab. Garut, complained of by a number of management education kindergarten (TK). With the rise of the program fear it would threaten the existence of kindergarten schools that have long stood.

In addition, the rise of early childhood programs, also creates jealousy. The reason, early childhood education received help from the government, while the kindergarten education is not.
Addressing the last thing, opinion of the writer, it appears due to surface was the lack of socialization and communication of the existence of early childhood programs are integral with similar programs in the area (read: public), such as TK, RA, TPA, and others.

That is, if early childhood socialization program is done well and correctly, then the manager kind of kindergarten education and the like do not need to worry and feel threatened. Because his own early childhood programs designed for children aged 2-4 years, while kindergartens for children 4-6 years old. Even though in reality, the writer saw in the field division is sometimes not completely obeyed and no significant perbeadaan.

In the meantime, if viewed from the goal, the program aims to introduce early childhood education from an early age and is particularly intended to accommodate the children from poor families can afford. While education in kindergarten average families can afford. And certainly early childhood students were restricted only 30 children, while TK is generally not restricted.

Therefore, the development of this early childhood programs in the future, should definitely work together with similar institutions, whether formal or informal. The reason such education in kindergartens and early childhood programs are actually the same to manage the golden age of the child to prepare to enter further education (read: to support basic education compulsory 9 years). It was here, seems to be prepared the right strategy from the early childhood programs in the community.

Access Improvement Strategy

Implementation of early childhood development in Indonesia, actually has been done through various efforts. Both efforts directly (such as Child Care, Group Play, and Taman Kanak Kanak), or indirectly (Posyandu, Toddlers Family Center, and the various activities carried out by the PKK, KOWANI). However, unfortunately, these services are still fragmented, and synergic tersikronisasi not well, and the number is still very limited in reach.

On the basis of the facts so far and targets associated with early childhood programs, then it would be nice if the strategy taken in the implementation of early childhood programs are more focused on the empowerment of early childhood education through non-formal approaches and of course still have to work together and coordinate with institutions institutions of early childhood education which is formal.

For that, the non-formal approach, uniting step integrated health and Toddlers in the Family Center realization of early childhood programs is something that is realistic and will further improve the achievement rates of early childhood programs. In this case, there are at least three strategies that can be associated with efforts to increase access to quality early childhood services in support of non-formal basic education compulsory 9 years.

First, union activities and BKB Posyandu should have implications in the form of a counseling service that provides nutrition and health problems are inadequate for the mother and child, provide information about ways to educate and empower young children properly.

Second, must be supported by integration at the community level. That form of public facilities, cadres, and training curricula that are well integrated. In another sense, integrated health and BKB should disinergiskan with all the programs that have a purpose on the needs of children aged 0-4 years and / or with TK. So the transition from home to early childhood services prior to entering elementary school can run smoothly.

Here, education is needed for early childhood as a basis for further education, among others: education & kinesthetic gestures; education to develop verbal / linguistic; and education to develop social emotional skills.

Third, the existence of an integral program in the bureaucracy relationship undertaken by various sectors and departments related to the field of empowerment of early childhood education and family welfare. Another meaning, is the need for a comprehensive movement to develop early childhood programs through IEC.

Meanwhile, Prof.. Dr. Soedijarto (1998), in his paper titled: Guidance From Early Child Development Investing For The Future, says there are 7 approaches and alternative services that can be done to increase access (coverage) and quality of service coaching program early childhood education is.

First, pealayanan directly to children through child care programs, play groups, and various forms of institutions that serve children directly and institutionalized.

Second, education "caregives" both parents (mother), or voluntary agencies through programs of visits from house to house, family education, integrated health, or family Toddler Center.
Third, increased community participation through correctional programs to train cadres and leaders as it did in Malaysia and Thailand.

Fourth, the development of skills and semi-skilled experts to provide coaching models that can attract attention and possible motivation of the community to follow the model developed by the experts.

Fifth, increasing public awareness and increasing public demands the need for the program.
Sixth, develop a network of communities that could support the implementation of a program, such as the establishment of regulations that indirectly encourage or strengthen the whole community will implement programs for early childhood development.

Seventh, develop national kebijakasanaan that underlie the program implementation is consistent and continuous.

Finally, through the strategies and efforts to increase access to quality early childhood services as above, it is expected that the existence of this early childhood program can be a container for managing the golden age of the child, and has a readiness to enter further education. Rather, supports programs compulsory 9-year basic education. Wallahu'alam .***

Author, is an educator and blogger in the Qur'an and Inspiration Assembly Reality Nature / MIQRA Indonesia,

Monday, January 18, 2010

Stages-Stages Educate Children In

Educate These ChildrenStages-Stages Educate Children In
By: Arda Dinata  

"Every child born in a state of nature, until her spoken fluently. Both are made orangtuanyalah religious Jews, Christians, or Zoroastrians."
(Narrated by al-Bayhaqi, At-Thabarani).

With regard to the warning "National Children's Day" is celebrated every year on July 23 this. Here's an interesting story and we need renungi as introspection materials related to the pattern of children's education by parents and educators for this.

Ibn Khaldun tells, when the Al Rashid gave his son, Al-Amin to a teacher, he said, "O Ahmar, Commander of the Faithful had actually handed over to belaihan soul and your baby. So, open your hand wide and obedience to him is obligatory. Keep you with him as you are to the Prince of Believers. Recite the Qur'an to him and teach him the traditions. Riwayatkanlah her poetry and teach him the sunna. Show him the phenomena and the foundations of theology. Discourage her laugh is not on time. She should not have met except for a moment you give him the lessons that can be taken, with no mind to hide it so dead. Do not you let him berleha-inattentive, so he likes jobless and have fun. Make straight his ability in accordance with a gentle approach. If he refused then do it with violence. "

* *
Description above, is a lesson for parents and educators in the education process of their children. Indeed the little boy is a mandate for every parent. His heart was pure clean and empty. If socialized and taught the virtues, he will grow in virtue and happiness in the world and the Hereafter. The Prophet SAW said, "Every child born in a state of nature, until her spoken fluently. Both are made orangtuanyalah religious Jews, Christians, or Zoroastrians. "(Narrated by al-Bayhaqi, At-Thabarani).

Success in educating children, at least a third will be determined by the power of parents, educators in schools and order their communities. Here, it seems a decisive role and strategic in the early period of a child's life is to educate and care patterns from both parents (read: mother and father) at home.

In educating children according to Islamic morals, according to Sheikh M. Mahfuzh Jamaluddin (2003), there are some elements that need attention. First, instill a healthy belief. Sourced from Rafi ra, he said, "I saw the Prophet Muhammad called for prayers to the ear adzan Hasan ibn Ali, when he had just been born by Fatima." (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi).

Second, the exercise of worship and give punishment. Sourced from Abdullah ibn Umar, the Prophet Muhammad actually said, "Command your children to pray when they are seven years old. and beat them, because the prayer when they were twelve years old. And separate them on the bed. "(Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood and Al-Hakim).

Third, teach the child something lawful and unlawful. Sourced from Abdullah bin Zaid ra, he said, "We were near ra Abdullah bin Masud, when suddenly a son came up with wearing a silk dress. Abdullah ibn Masud said, 'Who are you this dress? "The child replied,' My mother." Abdullah ibn Masud and then take it off and said, 'Tell your mother that she was wearing clothes other than this.' "

Fourth, develop learning activities. Rasulullah SAW said, "The right of children to his father was taught to write, swim and give him sustenance from the lawful course." (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi).

Fifth, build friendships for the child's parents. Rasulullah SAW said, "Look at your children, and Educate them well." (Narrated by Ibn Majah). This Hadith teaches that the parents to always be friendly with children, watching, watching, and educate them as best as possible. Prophet gave instructions in his saying, "Anyone who has small children, let him be proportional treatment." (Narrated by Ibn Askair).

Sixth, get used to ask permission. Isaac Al-Ghazari said, "I once asked Al-Auza'i, what limits the mandatory child ask permission first?" He replied, "If he was four years old. at this age, he should not see a woman without permission first. "And according to Az-Zuhri," Someone who met her mother had to ask permission first. "

In other languages, according to Dr. Abdullah Nashih Ulwan, the hierarchical points in educating Muslim children in seven stages that include the responsibility to do parents and educators, namely: First, the responsibility of faith education. In it comes to the opening sentence of life of children with La ilaha Illallaah; introduces halal and haram law to children from an early age; tell children to pray when he has entered the age of seven; and educate children to love the Prophet, his family and reading the Koran.

Second, moral education responsibilities. If since childhood, he grew and developed with the rest on a foundation of faith in God and educated to be afraid, remember, let go, begging for help and submit to Him, he will have sufficient knowledge and kemampun in receiving every virtue and glory, in addition to familiar with the noble character. So from here, the child will avoid the trap mendacious behavior, like stealing, like denouncing and mocking, and avoid delinquency and deviance forbidden religion.

Third, the responsibility of physical education. This responsibility meant that children grow up with a strong physical condition, healthy, passionate, and enthusiastic. This mandate contained therein on the responsibilities provide for families and children in the health rules to eat, drink and sleep; protect themselves from infectious diseases; realize the principle of not hurting yourself and others; get kids exercising; accustom the child to zuhud and does not dissolve in pleasure; familiarize the child to be assertive and get away from unemployment, the deviation and delinquency.

Fourth, educational responsibilities ratio (reason). Parents and educators should be able to shape the mindset of children with useful things, such as the science of religion, culture and civilization. Here, the child attempted to always learn, to develop an awareness of thinking, and clarity of thought (read: health think).

Fifth, mental health education responsibilities. Education is intended to educate the children dared to be open, independent, helpful, able to control his anger and love to all forms of mental and moral virtue are absolute. One form is how to educate children not to be insecure, timid, lacking confidence, envy, and ill-tempered.

Sixth, social educational responsibilities. Namely educating children from an early age that used to run a major social behavior. Among the basic principles of planting a noble spiritual theology based on eternal Islamiah and deep sense of faith. So that the child in the middle of the community will be able to mix socially and to behave well, have a reasonable balance of mature and wise action.

Seventh, sexual education responsibilities. Here, parents and educators should be able to educate about sexual matters to children, since he knows the problems associated with the instinct of sex and marriage. So that when the child has grown into a young man and can understand the affairs of life, he has to know what is forbidden and what is lawful. Furthermore, he expected to be able to apply Islamic behavior as a character and habits of life, and not enslaved to lust and absorbed in hedonic lifestyle. And Allaah knows best.***

Author Founder Inspiration Assembly Qur'an and Reality of Nature (MIQRA) Indonesia.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Emancipation and straightened Nation Building Character

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: The Complete SeriesEmancipation and straightened Nation Building Character
By Arda Dinata

TALK about a woman would never-ending, like an oasis that is not boring, the discussion will be more swayed by it. Napoleon Bonaparte once said that the advancement of women is as a measure of the progress of the mother country that can shake the crocodile with his left hand, can also shake the world with his right hand.

Associated with it, a question arises in response to the deterioration condition of Indonesia today. That is, if there is one of the behavior of women in Indonesia, if we associate with the condition of this nation?

At this time, there is a very strong tendency among women, from any layer, to work. Once a woman completing her education, then what is pictured in his mind the world of work. Working for a wage or salary. The point is to work outside the home (Suharsono, 2002:23).

In response to the trend (read: a woman who lost a mother nature), we have to consider what questionable Said Eve, that is not more respectful to women, if all the logistics and financing secured by her husband's life, rather than have to work outside the home and doing work out of character? Are children better growth in the care of his mother, or in the care of day care?

In response to these phenomena, there are three determined women born in the first congress in Yogyakarta, December 22, 1928, the foster unity, appearing along with the men of independence and ideals continue to gain the right to live in nature as a woman. Is still relevant to the meaning of travel in the independence of development today.

According H.M. Hembing Wijayakusuma (1995: 426), three Indonesian women determined to continue fighting, especially the right to live according to nature. But one thing that abstinence underestimated, the role of mothers as housewives. The father even though there are exceptions, but the service in the office, or in place to hang with my family lived for a living, will be heavily influenced by the role of the wife in the household. Religion Islam teaches that paradise was the mother ditelapak feet. Can the mother live the meaning of this doctrine that has always been a fad of the child and the outpouring of affection a husband? That's the most valuable guidelines to be featured as a household sweetener honey and fragrances nation with his mother.

In other languages, Suharsono (2002: 25-26) reveals that it seems we need to contemplate disabdakan a statement of the Prophet, "Heaven under the heel of the mother." When we refer to well this statement we should ask, "Is every ( typology) can mensurgakan her mother? "Is typology mother in a patriarchal culture perspective, which only moved from the kitchen to the bed can mensurgakan children? Or conversely, the mothers of feminism in today's perspective, which could mensurgakan children.

Further disclosed, if Islam really appreciate the dignity of women, as the Qur'an letter Luqman, 14 and Ahqaf: 15, is not intended to allow woman becomes a man, by way of employment equality, profession and so on, but to become a mother. Islam does not regulate issues of professional employment for women, especially if the work is done outside the home, because there is no obligation of women to make a living. But on the contrary, Islam set the details of how women should become mothers.

According to H. Sukarti Manan (1999), which became reality today is the term emancipation of women is often incorrectly interpret. The author remembered that with persistent Kartini fought for women degree level with men. When women get the opportunity to "active" in the outside world other than the household, sometimes they unconsciously forget her female nature, the household, including children and husband. Working over time, so the kids just "educated" by others (helper) and led to feelings of "clean" in self-husband.

For that, meaning the emancipation of women must get it straight so as not to stumble this nation into a protracted. In the tone of questions, Elvira W & Eva R (1997), reveals that a phenomenon (phenomena) that we can not deny anymore that the more women who decorate the arena of politics does not close the possibility of showing that the more women involved in the crime world. So if all is a success of the dual role of women or just a mere mirage?? ..

In this case, Maurice Bardeche, experts from the French state is considered as the pioneer of proclaiming the slogan "freedom and equality", in his book "Hestoire des Femmers" warned the mother should not imitate the father, because if so will birth even kinds of people have been born Third, as quoted by the Quraish Shihab in his book "The lantern Heart". He said that "good and commendable if a mother or wife serving her husband, clean and organize the house where he lived, but it was not a duty". (Widaningsih, 2000).

In the meantime, expressed Dadang Kusnandar, if women genuinely do their chores, may be the concept of Islamic households: Baiti Jannati, by itself would be easier terbina. For the most noble of education for other children not originated from the mother. Then direct children to education and love of a mother, more secure conduct to use ruqyah. The children ultimately more controllable and socialize in the middle of social interaction. They are not easily caught up in so many deviations from the behavior of chaos and offers value "new" to make denial of social norms, especially the moral and religious ethics.

Conversely, women who gave their child's education to others without the direct involvement and management of his mother when he was a teenager seemed more flexible in accepting the "paradigm" among teenagers, especially in the cities. Say she became estranged from their environment, even with his own family often become very individualistic. And difficult to avoid the reality showed the existence of a deconstruction of moral and social ethics, often stems from lack harmony family relationships.

This is where the importance of an awareness to become a mother. This awareness is, of course with regard to reproductive issues of women as a discourse of feminism. However, in view of Suharsono (2002), the problem is not enough to "give birth" and a mother and over. Being a mother involves a new understanding and awareness must have for every woman. In addition to the risk of birth weight, motherhood means to have full awareness to equip themselves in order to educate their children. The task to be a mother in this sense, requires a spiritual and intellectual weight is adequate. The mother was the first teacher to her own children. The first person who will be back for his children, a place to ask, complain as well as protection. The answers given and concern of a mother for her children, is crucial for the future of his children.

Character Education

In the Qur'an, we are reminded to keep the family from hell fire. Allah Almighty says, which means: "O ye who believe, guard yourselves and your families from hell fire fuel is men and stones; ... (Surat At-Tahrim: 6). Iman Ali ibn Abi Talib explain the meaning of this verse, "Educate yourself and kelurgamu with good and pious deeds."

God expressly commands us to educate yourself and family with religious teachings, which formed a devoted family. When the family well, it was a good country. Family is a small country. If you want to build a nation, we must start from the family. (Indris Thaha; 1997:10).

To achieve these conditions, at least here we need a woman, mother, or a Muslim who could become educators as Islamic morality. And the key there is the wealth of knowledge, so we (read: mothers) have demanded a lot of science, especially Islamic religious sciences.

Associated with making women as educators, according Indrawati (1999), revealed that female educators, not just a computer that is ready to store data (files) in my head for a number of knowledge, information, and values that have been, are, and will developed in the community. However, he must be a nimble actors, perform skilled, courageous step with the tough and assertive, and confident.

Further disclosed, the woman created by God instead of man's skull bones, which can only be a thinker. Not only from the leg bone, which can only be obedient to walk. Not all of the bones of the hand can only look up and expect the mercy of others. However, the woman was created from a man's chest cavity, where the center of life begins and should be protected.

Bergetarnya that's where the feelings and faith, which gives the breath berdenyutnya spirit and the will. If the instruments are good, then all orders will be sliding vibration to the brain well. Philosophy should be aware that we all (especially mothers) to realize and develop his personality in order to convey the same phrase that: "The woman is the pillar of state and heaven are in your feet mother".

Paradise is under mothers feet. Another meaning, women are the primary and first educators. Women are peers. The woman is the pillar of the state. The latter, projected that if the women in that country well - morality, intelligence, and spirituality ---, then kokohlah country. On the other hand can be ascertained, if the poor woman, then hancurlah country. So the mother who will "form the" character and condition of a nation.

For that, I hope the women residents of this nation does not forget her feminine nature, ie being a good mother. Women who are able to produce good offspring too, became the primary educator and the first that can shape the character and condition of the Indonesian nation a better and in his protection. Amen. And Allaah knows best .***

Author Founder Inspiration Assembly Qur'an and Reality of Nature (MIQRA) Indonesia.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Leadership Management in the Household

Leadership Management in the Household
By Arda Dinata

"Each of you is leader and every leader will be asked for his leadership. And human leaders (faith), it is also a leader who will be asked for his leadership. And every man's top leaders kelaurganya; and will kepemimpinanya asked for. Each waiter was a leader in the care of his master's property, and will be asked for kepemimpinanya. Then each leader will be asked for his leadership. "(Narrated by Muslim).

BY Kurnia Istadi Irawati, the two most important years in human life is at the early age. And in those days gold was the babies spent more time at home with mother. Touch the quality of education provided at the age of the mother will determine their quality to adults later.

The issue is very diverse family. Although the husband as head of the family, but usually more everyday matters assigned or delegated decision to the wife. That means hundreds of smaller policies that women decide from day to day, is like small pieces of the puzzle that are complementary to each other, so that future arrangements will produce a beautiful picture of life and perfect. Thus, a small piece of the policy despite minor part in determining the future image of a family.

So do not underestimate the importance of household management as penyempurna effort in order to form a family order sakinah. Simply put, household management is defined as activities undertaken to get the job done through other people, but it can also mean managing a family member to perform activities in the household. Management process that includes action planning, organizing, driving and monitoring through the utilization of human resources and other sources.

Such processes, is clearly support in the management of the family. Because, with hours of work 24 hours a day, most people still think the profession beyond the household manager duties of a wife. In fact, the required skills are not playing games. According to Isaac solih, a manager must have leadership qualities, such as: charismatic, powerful and able to carry and lead subordinates, honest, terpecaya, wise, brave, introspective, and able to overcome adversity, to be fair, simple, full of devotion to the task, patient and generous.

The existence of the nature of leadership at the head of the family or a housewife like that, so support the success of household management to happiness and prosperity in daily life.

Family Leadership

In a complete family, the supreme leader is the husband (the term is called the management of top manager). Then the two leaders was the wife who can be called a middle manager or a manager as well as lower. And general application to the division of tasks is sufficient. Husband as head of the family (who led his wife) and wife as homemaker.

The role of leadership in fostering households occupying a strategic place and determine whether the family can achieve prosperity. Because of, in this exemplary conduct required of parents. That is, attitudes and actions of a head of household or housewife will have a big impact family members.

Here are some pointers for every household leaders contained in the teachings of Islam. Therefore, according to Isaac Solih, I hope the leaders of bad character (read: the nature and character of liberal dictator-Pen) can improve the understanding, experiencing and trying to practice the instructions below.

First, in building a prosperous family, a family member is obliged to maintain themselves in the attitudes and behavior of everyday life, so that the realization of a harmonious life. Especially for the head or the mother's family and household must maintain themselves and keep all the members of his family. (read: QS. At-Tahrim [66]: 6).

Second, every head of household or housewives must mempertanggung accountable leadership in the world and in akherat later. The Prophet said: "Each of you is leader and every leader will be asked for his leadership. And human leaders (faith), it is also a leader who will be asked for his leadership. And every man's top leaders kelaurganya; and will be asked for kepemimpinanya. Each waiter was a leader in the care of his master's property, and will be asked for kepemimpinanya. Then each leader will be asked for his leadership. "(Narrated by Muslim).

Third, every leader of the family should be gentle to all subordinates. If there are errors forgive them even ask for forgiveness for him. In matters concerning the interests of families, both in the planning, organizing, mobilization and supervision, should like to deliberation. (read: QS. Ali Imran [3]: 159).

Fourth, the relationship between the lead and led in the family, should be fostered ties of affection besides other material factors. Each other should be patient in the pursuit of happiness together. (read: QS. At-Tauba [9]: 128).

Fifth, in the family should be created there and pray for each other mencitai between leaders and led. Hindarkanlah hate each other and curse each other. According to the Prophet, the best among you are the leader you love and who loves you, that ye ask for him and for you Barkah.

Sixth, a husband should be fair to his wife. Similarly, as a parent to his children and other family members. Hatred towards members should be avoided. If there are attitudes and behavior that is not good, should be corrected with patience, so that attitudes and behavior are lost with self-education of family members, not even being unjust. (Surat Al-Maidah [5]: 8).

Finally, expected pemimpim role in household management process will bring about happiness and prosperity in the family. Amen. Wallahu'alam .***

Author Founder Inspiration Assembly Qur'an and Reality of Nature (MIQRA) Indonesia.
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